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3 High-Impact Digital Marketing Strategies

By  WineDirect Team
August 3, 2021

It can be difficult to capture the attention of wine consumers in today’s crowded wine market. The Pandemic created many challenges for wineries to stay connected with their customers, and winery marketers had to think outside of the box to stay top of mind. Wineries now must rely on a strong social media presence and multiple forms of communication on mixed platforms to remain relevant in the changing landscape. The good news is that with the right strategy, planning, and tools, you'll be able to master your winery's digital growth with ease. From driving higher rankings in Google's algorithm to targeting specific keywords, WineDirect has a variety of world-class tools to help your Digital Marketing strategy. Let's look at three high-impact ways you can increase your return from your winery's digital marketing efforts.

Set up Google Services with WineDirect

Whether you want to track your winery’s website analytics or run ads, it is beneficial to have these Google services integrated with WineDirect. Where is your web traffic generated? Where are people dropping off? How long are people staying on your pages? These metrics will help you see a high-level overview of your winery’s website success. As for running ads, you will need to have Google AdWords set up.

If you need these services set up in WineDirect, click here to enroll.

Keyword Strategy and utilizing blogs

SEO keywords are the specific words and phrases you can add to your website to make it possible for people to find your site when they use search engines. Targeting keywords is the best way to start building your SEO. The best practice is to choose keywords based on your winery’s marketing plan. Do you want more foot traffic in your tasting room, or do you want more online sales? It is good to start with one goal and work from there. If you want more foot traffic, start using geo-targeting keywords such as Napa Valley Wineries. Perhaps, you’re looking to increase your website sales. Use keywords of certain wines that you want to push. For example, Best Napa Zinfandel is an option for a keyword or phrase. Note that some keywords are harder to rank highly, due to the steep competition for the keywords themselves. After the keywords are selected, be sure to build content around them. A great way to do so is using WineDirect’s blog tool. Write a blog that includes the keywords that you’re targeting. It can be about a new wine that you plan on releasing or maybe write about some of the best wineries (including yours) in your area.

Search Engine Optimization in site pages and product pages

What is metadata you ask? Metadata is how Google and other search engines can find and display your website’s content on its search pages. It is important to have clean metadata on your website. We highly recommend that you customize how visitors find your page by adding Titles and Descriptions to your metadata that explain what each page of your website will display. Ensure that your marketing URL, page title, and page description reflect what they see on your website. Metadata is also a great place to use some keywords that you plan to target.

This may seem like unfamiliar territory with a lot of work involved at first, but we encourage you to get started. Small, but significant, these optimizations will provide long-term results for your site and business -- especially when combined with the tips from our Complete Guide to Winery Ecommerce.

Download the Complete Guide to Ecommerce for Your Winery

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