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3 tips for improving your wine marketing strategy

By  Jessica Foye
July 19, 2023

Standing out in a crowded wine market can be a daunting task. A top-quality product and passionate staff are no longer enough to differentiate your winery from the competition, as new brands emerge every day. With the fast-paced nature of the industry, it can be challenging for wineries to keep up. However, the success of your brand and profitability depends on how well you execute your marketing strategy for your wine business. The good news is that you don't need a large marketing team or unlimited resources to achieve success.

By implementing the right wine marketing strategy, planning, and tools, you can easily master your winery's growth. In this article, we will explore three high-impact ways to improve your winery's marketing strategy.

1. Collect the right data

Your winery's marketing strategy should be data-driven. The data you collect about your consumers and how you utilize it is crucial for your winery's growth. The good news is that collecting the right data is not as challenging as you might think and you can start right in your tasting room.

Collect email addresses: 

Collecting email addresses is crucial and should be a priority in your tasting room. Record them before your consumers leave, and use them to send timely emails to keep them engaged. This strategy will result in higher repeat consumer rates and positive word-of-mouth referrals.


As you build your contact list, make sure to segment the data you collect. By parsing out your contacts by preferences, location, tasting room visits, etc., you can send more personalized and effective emails that will keep your consumers coming back for more.

Referral source & location:

Gathering as much information as possible about your consumers has several benefits. For example, knowing the referral source enables you to determine which channels or relationships are working and which ones to prioritize.

2. Set marketing goals & measure results

It's important to start your marketing strategy with clear goals. What are you aiming for? More tasting room visitors? Increased online sales? Better engagement and retention for your wine club members? Defining your business goals and identifying your target audience is essential before you start creating content.

When setting specific strategies and metrics, make sure they align with your overall goals. Setting SMART goals for your marketing can help your winery achieve success more efficiently.


Make sure your goals are as specific as possible to guide improvement in your business. For example, "Increase visitors in the tasting room by 15% next month."


What metric will you use to track progress toward your goal? For example, "A visitor increase of 15% or more indicates success."


Ensure your goal is attainable by understanding the benchmarks involved. For example, "I have the necessary resources to attract more visitors to our tasting room."


Is your goal aligned with your winery’s direction? For example, "Increasing the number of visitors in the tasting room will help me convert more wine club members and boost winery growth."


Consider a realistic timeframe for your goal. For example, "Within the next six months, I aim to see a 15% increase in tasting room visitors. By the end of the year, that number should increase to 40%."

Remember to try not to do too much at once. Focus on one goal at a time to set achievable goals and get better results.

3. Leverage the right software

Winery software can significantly support your marketing efforts by providing easy data collection, robust marketing tools, and comprehensive reporting. WineDirect is the only all-in-one platform purpose-built for wineries that provides the tools you need to achieve an outstanding marketing strategy, including tracking and analyzing wine sales. When choosing a winery software, prioritize the following features that can help improve your marketing:

  • A single customer relationship management (CRM) system that provides a complete 360-degree view of your consumers across all touchpoints. It should allow you to manage every aspect of your wine club, from sign-ups to club processing to email alerts.
  • Robust list segmentation capabilities enable you to make marketing decisions based on consumer demographics, purchase history, and other relevant factors. Advanced options should also provide real-time in-depth reporting.

Remember that having mobile-friendly websites and emails is crucial to the success of modern marketing strategies. Neglecting these aspects can cost your winery sales, as more than half of website traffic to WineDirect client websites comes from mobile devices, and mobile orders increased by 30% from 2017 to 2018.

Mastering growth

However, the success of your winery depends not only on effective marketing strategies but also on maintaining a high level of consumer satisfaction. It is crucial to build a loyal consumer base by providing them with a unique experience that sets your winery apart from the rest. This can be achieved by offering wine tastings, hosting events, and engaging in cross-promotion with other local businesses, and displaying advertisements for local products. These strategies can help attract potential customers looking to try different wines and improve your overall wine marketing strategy.

Creating a strong brand identity is also essential for standing out in the saturated wine market. Your brand should represent the values and qualities your winery embodies, and it should be consistent across all marketing channels, including your website, social media platforms, and advertising campaigns.

By combining these strategies with the three high-impact ways discussed earlier, you can create a powerful marketing plan that drives growth, builds a loyal consumer base, and establishes your winery as a leader in the industry. With the right approach, planning, and tools, you can overcome the challenges of a crowded market and achieve success in a long time.

Unlock winery success with WineDirect's all-in-one platform and powerful tools. From seamless data collection and robust marketing features to a 360-degree customer relationship management system, WineDirect streamlines operations and maximizes growth potential for its clients.  For personalized assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.

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